Having put up with many outbreaks of dinner party angst and bar stool breakdowns over a couple of decades (decades, Jesus...), when I gave Darren a couple of extracts to read he was able to tell me what I was writing about more clearly than I'd been able to express it myself. The disparity between what you hope for in life in your twenties, and what you get. It's not that what you get is bad, just... not quite what you had in mind.
So with that, the idea for the series covers developed, two related images, one representing the dream. one the reality. He had some ideas for pairs, I had some vague notions too, then he went away to work on them. Now I don't see what he's come up with until I finally get an episode written and ask him for a cover so it's a bit of a nice surprise as to what I get.
What I'm planning to do is write some thoughts sparked by each cover as they come in. Might be stream of consciousness drivel, but let's see how it goes.
It might be some new Rorscharch method of writing blurbs...